What is an ultrafine bubble generator?

ultrafine bubble generator
ultrafine bubble generator

An ultrafine bubble generator is a device that mixes water and a gas and produces ultrafine bubbles. Ultrafine bubbles should be smaller than 200 nano meter to be called an ultrafine bubble. Since 200 nano meters is quite large to be called nanoscopic the name nanobubbles is for this reason not officially used by ISO. The ISO has named nano sized bubbles ultrafine bubbles. The naming convention follows the same names as for particles.

Basically, there are two types of ultrafine bubble generators, first there are gas-water circulation types of ultrafine bubble generators. Second there is a gas-water pressurization-decompression also often referred to as pressurized dissolution type of ultrafine bubble generator. All units are based on one principle or the other, or a combination of both. In the gas-water circulation type, the gas is introduced into a water vortex and the gas bubbles are formed by breaking the vortex. In the pressurized dissolution method, about 5% of gas is under pressure dissolved in water and forms a supersaturated solution. When the water is depressurized, the gas escapes from the water and forms ultrafine bubbles. It's like opening a bottle of beer or a can of coke, the drink in the bottle is depressurized and bubbles are formed. The pressure in a beer or coke is too low to create any ultrafine bubbles.

Acniti sells ultrafine bubble generators with the gas-water circulation type, we have branded them the turbiti series. Acniti also sells the pressurized dissolution ultrafine bubble generators, which are branded as GaLF. GaLF stands for Gas Liquid Foam.


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  1. Gas check valve ozone to avoid water in the ozone generator made from stainless steel 316L with viton seals

  2. Gas check valve oxygen required for all nanobubble mixers to avoid water into the oxygen concentrator

  3. Large volume submersible ultrafine bubble generator in combination with a dissolved oxygen generator, for aerating effectively lakes, horticulture, fishponds and shrimp cultivation. Aeration is for many biological processes very important the Acniti submersible unit guarantees high DO values for ideal biological activities creating an optimal environment for high production output.

  4. Selecting a nanobubble generator can be a daunting task when you are new to the technology. In the following article we explain the differences of the various units. This helps you to select the best nanobubble generator for your research, application development or ultrafine bubble production.

  5. The Turbiti O2 pump skid is the multipurpose ultrafine bubble generator suitable for agriculture, horticulture and fish cultivation sites. Super saturation of oxygen for water day storage tanks in horticulture. Drinking water solutions for chicken, cows, pigs and horses, giving high DO water with ultrafine bubbles to animals with enhance their food digestion more efficiently and results in healthier animals.

  6. Low cost Ultrafine Bubble Monitoring ALT-9F17 system, to measure reliably the concentration of ultrafine bubbles (nanobubbles) in your water.

  7. The ozone nanobubble mixer is a nanobubble generator which is specifically designed for the use with ozone. Research with universities has shown, that ozonated nanobubble water, keeps longer its ozone residue in the water than when it is used only with a venturi also the amount of ozone gassing out is reduced.

  8. The turbiti nanobubble generator is a first-class workhorse. Turbiti can be placed in the most demanding environments. The nanobubble generator requires a low head pump, so it's efficient in energy usage. Combined with the benefits of a static mixer, Acniti has implemented their proprietary swirl flow technology to generate efficiently and effectively nanobubbles. The turbiti OEM series gives dealers and partners the opportunity to implement the turbiti into their own equipment. The Turbiti concept gives you a worry free nanobubble solution.

  9. The wall mounted Turbiti is the multipurpose nanobubble generator suitable for agriculture, horticulture and fish cultivation sites. Super saturation of oxygen for water day storage tanks in horticulture. Drinking water solutions for chicken, cows, pigs and horses, giving high DO water with ultrafine bubbles to animals with enhance their food digestion more efficiently and results in healthier animals.

  10. High concentration nanobubble generator, producing the highest concentration of bubbles in the industry. Creates billions of nanobubbles in water.

  11. There are various technologies to generate nanobubbles (ultrafine bubbles). This article gives an overview of the most used techniques, such as pressurized dissolution, static mixers, and rotational flow.

  12. The miniGaLF is ACNITI`s entry level GaLF model designed for companies, universities, research institutes and individuals that want to learn about Ultrafine bubble technology. In this blog a movie is shown of the connections and the performance to create ultrafine bubble (nanobubbles) with high DO water.

  13. Bubbles are all around us, in our foods, beer, pop drinks bread and cheese, but also in the bricks of our house. Bubbles are gas-filled cavities in water, the lifetime of a bubble is short at most a few minutes, only ultra-fine bubbles are stable for longer periods like months, that is making them very special and that enables us to change the properties of water.

  14. Washing of surfaces and laundry is one of the promising areas were nanobubbles can make a difference in the application. Reducing the amount of detergent, has a positive effect by reducing pollution, washing laundry without detergent, would greatly benefit the environment. Nanobubbles can lower the surface tension of water, the large amounts of oxygen molecules in bubbles charge the water negative.

  15. Acniti manufacturer and marketing and sales organization for nanobubble technology and industrial oxygen concentrators.

  16. Manoa lettuce is a lettuce variety susceptible to tipburn. Tipburn is the drying and dying of leaf tissue along the edges of the leaf. During a test at a grower in Hawaii it was shown that by increasing the DO levels and adding ultrafine bubbles, reduction of tipburn is realized and quality and production improvements are made.

  17. Carnation flower growers in Japan use nanobubble irrigation technology against fusarium, withering and dying plants, to improve stem quality, flower size, shoot count, volume of stems and growth speed. In the growing season 2017 / 2018, acniti conducted trials, the test area had irrigation water with billions of ultrafine bubbles of an average size of 110 nm and high DO water with 30 mg/l.

  18. Nanobubbles can be measured by the same technology as measuring small particles. You can measure bubbles by camera (count pixel size) or laser (count blackout time), also as a simple method to know number index, you can refer information of turbidity. When you measure UFB, most common way is to analyze Brownian Motion.

  19. The miniGALF is IDEC`s entry level GaLF model designed for first experiences with nanobubble technology. The miniGaLF-Plus enables higher concentration of nanobubbles by multi-passes of water through the miniGaLF.

  20. The miniGaLF is an entry level GaLF model designed for companies, universities, research institutes and individuals that want to learn about ultrafine bubble technology.

  21. Standard ultrafine GaLF developing optimum measuring and analyzing technologies