
lake with clouds
lake with clouds


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  1. Ebara DWO 400 for nanobubble generator turbiti 737 and small 747 applications

  2. Ebara 3M 50-125/3.0 for nanobubble generator turbiti 747 and 848

  3. Standard ultrafine GaLF developing optimum measuring and analyzing technologies

  4. The miniGaLF is an entry level GaLF model designed for companies, universities, research institutes and individuals that want to learn about ultrafine bubble technology.

  5. Large volume submersible ultrafine bubble generator in combination with a dissolved oxygen generator, for aerating effectively lakes, horticulture, fishponds and shrimp cultivation. Aeration is for many biological processes very important the Acniti submersible unit guarantees high DO values for ideal biological activities creating an optimal environment for high production output.

  6. Acniti manufacturer and marketing and sales organization for nanobubble technology and industrial oxygen concentrators.

  7. Algae blooms are often a reason to start pond remediation. Probiotics in combination with ultra-fine bubbles can increase the efficiency of the wastewater treatment process. Acniti supplies probiotics in tablet form an easy and safe way to dose and apply the beneficial bacteria.

  8. A temple with a beautiful moat in Kyoto, Japan had a group of volunteers maintaining the moat, by cleaning it and doing regular maintenance. Due to the older age of the volunteers, the group stopped moat maintenance around 1998. In the next 20 years no maintenance was done and year by year the situation worsened on one hand natural pollution wasn't removed such as leaves in autumn and excessive uncontrolled water plants growth took place. On the other hand, tourism in Kyoto was on the rise and more and more, litter came in the moat. This led to an uncontrolled situation of bad smell, fish mortality opaque water and the bottom of the moat was invisible. In the summer, algal blooms were becoming more and more frequent.

  9. Selecting a nanobubble generator can be a daunting task when you are new to the technology. In the following article we explain the differences of the various units. This helps you to select the best nanobubble generator for your research, application development or ultrafine bubble production.

  10. The electrical properties of gas bubbles are important in determining the interaction of nano-bubbles if and when they merge together and how they interact with other materials such as solid particles or oil droplets. Knowledge about this helps application development in for example, protein skimmers, froth flotation, food processing, washing surfaces and purification.

  11. The Turbiti O2 pump skid is the multipurpose ultrafine bubble generator suitable for agriculture, horticulture and fish cultivation sites. Super saturation of oxygen for water day storage tanks in horticulture. Drinking water solutions for chicken, cows, pigs and horses, giving high DO water with ultrafine bubbles to animals with enhance their food digestion more efficiently and results in healthier animals.

  12. The wall mounted Turbiti is the multipurpose nanobubble generator suitable for agriculture, horticulture and fish cultivation sites. Super saturation of oxygen for water day storage tanks in horticulture. Drinking water solutions for chicken, cows, pigs and horses, giving high DO water with ultrafine bubbles to animals with enhance their food digestion more efficiently and results in healthier animals.