

In the list below you can find the links to all the videos on the website.


9 Links to other pages: video

  1. The installation and setup of the ALT nanobubble sensor is easy. The movie gives an overview of buttons and connections.

  2. The operation and configuration of the ALT nanobubble sensor is easy. The movie gives an overview of settings and control.

  3. Self-cleaning filters prevent pumps from blocking and make aeration more efficient. These pump are also excellent as dewatering filters for drainage of tanks or flooded areas. This video explains the inner-workings of this smart water-filter.

  4. Video: Self-cleaning inlet filter explained

  5. Low cost Ultrafine Bubble Monitoring ALT-9F17 system, to measure reliably the concentration of ultrafine bubbles (nanobubbles) in your water.

  6. Probiotics live microorganisms promoting health benefits for agriculture, aquaculture and water treatment

  7. Nanobubbles movie, movie made with the Malvern NanoSight. Based on this movie the NanoSight internal software counts the number of bubbles to calculate the number concentration of bubbles and the bubble size.

  8. Nanobubbles can be measured by the same technology as measuring small particles. You can measure bubbles by camera (count pixel size) or laser (count blackout time), also as a simple method to know number index, you can refer information of turbidity. When you measure UFB, most common way is to analyze Brownian Motion.

  9. In Aichi Japan 3 flower growers are interviewed about using the acniti nanobubble generator. The testimonials are recorded in summer of 2019.