
truck for live fish transport japan
truck for live fish transport japan

Photo by mathieu_matiu / CC BY


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  1. A new innovative way to transport fish while sleeping is almost ready to go onto the market. A combination of CO2 and ultrafine bubbles make this possible.

  2. Worldwide General Terms and Conditions for ACNITI LLC Minoh Osaka Japan

  3. Large volume submersible ultrafine bubble generator in combination with a dissolved oxygen generator, for aerating effectively lakes, horticulture, fishponds and shrimp cultivation. Aeration is for many biological processes very important the Acniti submersible unit guarantees high DO values for ideal biological activities creating an optimal environment for high production output.

  4. Acniti manufacturer and marketing and sales organization for nanobubble technology and industrial oxygen concentrators.

  5. Nanobubbles are gas filled cavities in water. The contact area between bubbles in water filled with tiny bubbles is much larger than water filled with bigger bubbles. The gas pressure inside a small bubble is higher than in a large bubble, therefore the surface tension of a small bubble is higher as well.

  6. Selecting a nanobubble generator can be a daunting task when you are new to the technology. In the following article we explain the differences of the various units. This helps you to select the best nanobubble generator for your research, application development or ultrafine bubble production.

  7. Ozone nanobubbles are attractive for water purification, treatment, and disinfection. ozone nanobubbles have a higher mass transfer rate than ordinary bubbles and there for nanobubbles more efficiently use ozone as a powerful oxidizing agent and sterilizer to kill or inactivate bacteria and viruses.