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  1. Great things happen when the world agrees, fine bubbles are an innovative technology, but without proper standards for the industry development, there are obstacles. From 2013 ISO started the creation of an International Standard for fine bubbles popularly know as nanobubbles.

  2. Interested to know why nanobubbles are officially called ultrafine bubbles? In this article we explain the reasons why the ISO technical committee has decided to use the official name ultrafine bubbles instead of nanobubbles.

  3. Oxygen plays an important role in plant respiration, which causes energy production and plant growth. Increasing the percentage of oxygen in water improves the root structure and the activity of useful microbes in the rhizosphere. Naturally, an effective and practical system can increase productivity by improving the quality of irrigation water and increasing dissolved oxygen in irrigation water. Acniti oxygen concentrator and Acniti turbiti O3 are very effective supplements for irrigation of agricultural fields and at the same time improve water quality and increase dissolved oxygen (DO) and ozone in irrigation water. To determine the role of oxygen and ozone nanobubbles in the growth of lettuce, an experimental research was conducted. Research showed that by using Acniti nanobubbles generators, will increase the level of dissolved oxygen in water, and makes the roots of lettuce grow more and its weight increases significantly.